Free yourself from the burden of chronic disease.

Managing chronic disease can be frustrating and defeating.
Oben will help you improve your quality of life without having to rely solely on medications, through a personalized treatment plan that is conducive to your culture, religion, food preferences, etc.

Patient Packages:


  • 24/7 access to the Oben application

  • Blood pressure tracking

  • 1:1 somatic based therapy session with a licensed therapist 

  • 1:1 session with certified nutritionist  

  • Ongoing communication with certified health coach 

  • Access to library of content related to nutrition, stress-management, and local resources


  • All of the above AND access to:

  • Therapy: 

1. 1:1 individualized somatic therapy; option for short term or ongoing (sliding scale starting at $25/session) 
- Somatic therapy involves working with the nervous system to address trauma and stress at the root by slowly discharging stuck stress responses (fight/flight and freeze) from the body through the use of mindfulness and body awareness, as well as processing the patient’s past and present stressors in order to provide immediate and ongoing relief.

 2. Group therapy; somatic tools/stress-management (Sliding scale starting at $15/session)
- Intimate bi-weekly sessions during which patients learn basic stress management tools and how to implement them in everyday life.  These sessions also present the opportunity to connect with other patients in the community, providing a safe space to express themselves amongst those who are experiencing similar circumstances in managing their chronic disease.

  • Nutrition: 

1.  30 min nutrition coaching session w/ personalized meal plan to be tracked by certified nutritionist and health coach ($50)
- Nutritionist will create a plan specific to the patient’s current eating habits, health status, etc. to include 5 meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, an array of snack options, and specific meal suggestions for the patient’s 3 most frequently visited food establishments.
- Weekly accountability check-ins with the health coach re: how things are going with the meal plan/any issues; bloating, digestion issues, etc.

2. Bi-weekly live webinar (at $15/webinar session, also recorded/able to be accessed later) 
- Nutrition education i.e. learning about healthy fats, debugging current diet fads, sustainable food swaps, sharing of recipes, etc.
- Each webinar topic is sent out 1 week in advance to allow patients to pre-submit any questions they’d like to have answered.